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If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us, we look forward to hearing from you. If you would like to contact a particular coach, please click here to find the coach and their contact details.
Who can do Judo?Anyone! The main thing is you want to do it, everything else you can pick up as you go.
What do I wear?If you don't yet own a Judogi (Judo suit) don't panic. For your first couple of classes a long sleeved top and jogging bottoms are fine. No zips are preferable.
Where can I get a Judogi?We can provide you with a Judo kit. Ask your coach about purchasing one.the cost starts from £25.00. There is no delivery charge, we will bring it to your next class so you can guarantee a perfect fit.
How do you grade in Judo?Check out the Grading Syllabus page in the members part of this site for all the details you might need.
How do I pay?We charge on a termly basis. After your first session, you will be given a form stating the costs and how you have to pay.
When can I start?Whenever you feel the time is right. It doesn't matter if you start halfway through a term, you will only pay from when you started.
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